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Montana, been there, done that…
By harry | March 6, 2008
I’m not sure what the motto of Montana is, but it should be “we got really big eagles, and Moose Drool is yummy”. Yesterday we darted through Alberta, talked our way across the border, and drove down to Great Falls. Our hotel, Sky’s Western Inn, looked like it needed a reno, though it had just had one. There was no water in the room when we booked in with the promiss that there would be some in a few hours. ip adr . So as a good new hubby, I dragged Miranda to a biker bar so she could use the facilities. Don’t be alarmed, the bar had a sign outside stating “no colors, no weapons’, so what could go wrong…
Beware hotels that claim to have continental breakfast. We thought that they would have provided something in this continent.
Topics: honeymoon | 1 Comment »
March 7th, 2008 at 8:03 am
Makes you wonder where the breakfast got delivered? The rest of the bikder bar story?