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The New Year So Far
By miranda | January 19, 2009
Well, there seem to be so many little things to say that I don’t quite know where to start. Last weekend we packed up the family and took a trip up North to do some visiting. Everything that could be planned was planned fairly well, though that one thing that can never be counted on really did it’s worst… the weather. It was snowy, it was icy, it was damned COLD! Brrr. I’m not complaining, I love winter, I’m just stating facts. It was supposed to be a milder week, with nighttime temperatures in Edmonton only reaching the minus twenty-mark, but in rural Peace River area that didn’t mean diddley. We’re pretty sure it was around -35. Thankfully though, due to the great planning mentioned above, we arrived at Kim and Dustin’s and wanted for nothing inside that cozy home in the country for the duration of our visit (okay, there was one late-evening foray to Carol and Dave’s for an emergency re-stock of some pretty low quality home-brew on our last night there). It made for a pretty relaxed and enjoyable time. Jess was able to come North with us due to the nature of her new job which always gives her weekends off. The other great thing about the trip is that we gave ourselves an extra day in Grande Prairie which allowed us to fit in visits with more than just the usual crowd. We were treated to an excellent Dinner & Bed (a relative of the more famous B&B) at the Fontaine home in town, then we dropped in on Peeker for an excellent waffle breakfast. Our lunch hour was spent at the Crisfield residence, followed by a nice bowl of soup with Sophie’s Djeda. It may sound like alot, but it never felt rushed, and we were so warmly received everywhere we went that it was impossible not to feel good about it all. We even managed to stop in at Doll corner on our way past Fairview on the way up to Kim’s. Well, Sophie wouldn’t let us just drive on by AGAIN. She insisted on stopping to see Jo-Anne and Dick, and it gave us all a chance to stretch our legs.
Here at home in Edmonton our redecoration project continues. I could say that it’s almost done, since we’re now done everything except the flooring, but that is a big last step. We need at least a full day to get it done, and full days are hard to come by lately. At least we have our interrim living room set up in the back, and it’s pretty small and mostly Sophie-proof. Though with our lovely precocious daughter that is a constantly evolving thing. Just yesterday, with only a tiny bit of help from me (cause I didn’t want her to fall) Sophie climbed up the two small steps into the kitchen. Harry and I were impressed beyond words, and in those few seconds of celebrating her victory she almost made it to the cat food bowls before we could stop her. Ahh, I love that little girl.
In other news, I will be posting some new pictures in a January album. Check them out!
Topics: Learning, Renovation, Sophie, Travel | No Comments »